Training Course On


12 - 16 September 2005, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal

Who should attend the course?

Course venue, coordination and topics

Course fee and financial aid

Application and course admission selection

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One quarter of the European Union's coast is currently eroding despite the development of a wide range of measures to protect shorelines from eroding and flooding. The prospect of further sea level rise due to climate change and the heritage of mismanagement in the past - such as inappropriate infrastructure - imply that coastal erosion will be a growing concern in the future. Managing coastal erosion is hence an increasing challenge for all those who have to take decisions or provide consulting services about coastal development and conservation in erosion prone areas.

The Course “Coastal Erosion Management” aims at providing practical, scientifically sound training to those who have the task of finding solutions to coastal erosion related problems while working e.g. for coastal municipalities, planning institutes, or consulting companies.

The week-long training on the campus of the University of Porto will:

  • equip course participants with essential knowledge on coastal processes that drive coastal erosion
  • provide insight into the whole array of state-of-the art measures developed for coastal erosion management
  • give participants the opportunity of presenting their local cases of coastal erosion and developing economically and environmentally sound solutions together with their peers and outstanding experts in the field
  • provide access to life-long learning material.

Course material will make best use of the latest results of the EUrosion study commissioned by the General Directorate Environment of the European Commission, which has resulted in policy recommendations on how to manage coastal erosion in Europe in the most sustainable way. The course will also benefit from the inputs of leading European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) initiatives, namely CoPraNet and CoastLearn as coastal erosion is best managed applying the ICZM approach.

CoPraNet - The Coastal Practice Network is an Interreg project to help establish a coastal practitioners network and bridge the gap between planners, managers and the research community throughout Europe. CoastLearn is a distance ICZM vocational training package that makes extensive use of the electronic media.

Organysed by:



With the support of:






updated: June 2005