The 2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2018 will take place in Porto, Portugal, 5-6 July 2018. The conference venue is the campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which offers excellent facilities for high quality scientific interactions. FEUP is located in the town of Porto in the Northern region of Portugal. Porto is a beautiful and lively city, steeped in history and rich in great experiences. With its magnificent location by the Atlantic coast, Porto is the city of the world famous Port Wine and the River Douro.

This conference is held every two years in Porto and chaired by Prof Lucas F. M. da Silva.

The focus is on fundamental research and application areas in the field of the design and application of engineering materials, predominantly within the context of mechanical engineering applications such as automobile, railway, marine, aerospace, biomedical, pressure vessel technology, turbine technology, etc. This includes a wide range of materials engineering and technology, including metals, e.g., lightweight metallic materials, polymers, composites, and ceramics. Advanced applications would include manufacturing in the new or newer materials, testing methods, multi-scale experimental and computational aspects (e.g. micro- and nano-scale techniques).

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts:
March 9th, 2018

Notification of Acceptance to Authors:
March 31st, 2018

Early bird Registration
April 13th, 2018

Submission of Papers (not compulsory to submit a paper):
July 5th, 2018

Call for Papers
Abstracts Template
Abstracts should be sent electronically to Lucas da Silva at

Registration Form