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Eficácia Pessoal e Liderança

Dados Gerais

Sigla: EPL


  • Eficácia Pessoal e Liderança ( Créditos ECTS)

Unidades Curriculares

Eficácia Pessoal e Liderança


This course aims to provide doctoral students with the transversal skills, strategies and tools necessary to succeed in their academic endeavours and to improve their employability. 

  • Develop self-awareness and self-regulation. Encourage participants to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and personal values to enhance their self-awareness and identify areas for personal growth.
  • Dealing with stress and uncertainty. Provide strategies and techniques for PhD candidates to effectively face stress and uncertainty during their academic journey.
  • Enhance time management and productivity. Provide techniques and strategies for effective time management, goal setting, and prioritization to maximize productivity during their doctoral journey.
  • Coping with frustration. Develop tips and strategies to help them cope with frustration during their PhD, supporting the overcoming of obstacles and the continuous moving forward.
  • Foster resilience and well-being. Equip students with tools to manage stress, maintain work-life balance, and build resilience to overcome challenges and sustain well-being throughout their PhD.
  • Develop leadership skills. Guide students in cultivating leadership qualities, including resilience, empathy, influence, motivation, teamwork, and decision-making.
  • Cultivate interdisciplinary collaboration. Promote collaboration across disciplines, encouraging students to develop an interdisciplinary mindset and leverage diverse perspectives and expertise.
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