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2nd April Seminar: Considerations on diversity of thought when thinking science and structuring academic teams

April 2nd | 10.00 am | Room E107 DEQ | FEUP



The e.biofilm team has the privilege to welcome Prof. Birthe Kjellerup, the Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland as a speaker for the upcoming seminar: “CONSIDERATIONS ON DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT WHEN THINKING SCIENCE AND STRUCTURING ACADEMIC TEAMS”.

Additionally, a panel discussion featuring Portuguese Researchers will be held during the seminar. They will share insights on the significant challenges encountered in building collaborations, as well as strategies employed as early career researchers to get invited to join other collaborations.

This seminar is open to FEUP community, and we believe it presents an excellent opportunity for Early Career Researchers and PhD students who are actively developing their professional networks and advancing their careers.

The seminar is scheduled for April 2nd at 10 am, at the Chemical Engineering Department, in the Event Room E107.

To attend this seminar, please register using the QR code provided or by following this link

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