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Numerical study of the square-root conformation tensor formulation for confined and free-surface viscoelastic fluid flows

Numerical study of the square-root conformation tensor formulation for confined and free-surface viscoelastic fluid flows
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Irineu L. Palhares Junior
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Cassio M. Oish
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Alexandre M. Afonso
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Manuel A. Alves
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Fernando T. Pinho
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Vol. 3 2
Páginas: 1-23
Editora: Springer Nature
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00S-RH6
Resumo (PT):
Abstract (EN): We present a numerical study of a stabilization method for computing confined and free-surface flows of highly elastic viscoelastic fluids. In this approach, the constitutive equation based on the conformation tensor, which is used to define the viscoelastic model, is modified introducing an evolution equation for the square-root conformation tensor. Both confined and free-surface flows are considered, using two different numerical codes. A finite volume method is used for confined flows and a finite difference code developed in the context of the marker-and-cell method is used for confined and free-surface flows. The implementation of the square-root formulation was performed in both numerical schemes and discussed in terms of its ability and efficiency to compute steady and transient viscoelastic fluid flows. The numerical results show that the square-root formulation performs efficiently in the tested benchmark problems at high-Weissenberg number flows, such as the lid-driven cavity flow, the flow around a confined cylinder, the cross-slot flow and the impacting drop free surface problem.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 23
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