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Food choice motives, attitude towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition

Food choice motives, attitude towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Rankin, A
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Bunting, BP
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Poínhos, Rui
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van der Lans, IA
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Fischer, AR
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Kuznesof, S
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Markovina, J
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Frewer, LJ
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Stewart Knox, BJ
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Vol. 21
Páginas: 1-11
ISSN: 1368-9800
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências médicas e da saúde
CORDIS: Ciências da Saúde
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00P-Q2Y
Abstract (EN): Objective: The present study explored associations between food choice motives, attitudes towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition, to inform communication strategies based on consumer priorities and concerns. Design/Setting: A survey was administered online which included the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) and items assessing attitudes towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition. Subjects: Nationally representative samples were recruited in nine EU countries (n 9381). Results: Structural equation modelling indicated that the food choice motives `weight control¿, `mood¿, `health¿ and `ethical concern¿ had a positive association and `price¿ had a negative association with attitude towards, and intention to adopt, personalised nutrition. `Health¿ was positively associated and `familiarity¿ negatively associated with attitude towards personalised nutrition. The effects of `weight control¿, `ethical concern¿, `mood¿ and `price¿ on intention to adopt personalised nutrition were partially mediated by attitude. The effects of `health¿ and `familiarity¿ were fully mediated by attitude. `Sensory appeal¿ was negatively and directly associated with intention to adopt personalised nutrition. Conclusions: Personalised nutrition providers may benefit from taking into consideration the importance of underlying determinants of food choice in potential users, particularly weight control, mood and price, when promoting services and in tailoring communications that are motivationally relevant. Copyright © The Authors 2018
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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