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Quaternization of Vinyl/Alkynyl Pyridine Enables Ultrafast Cysteine¿Selective Protein Modification and Charge Modulation

Quaternization of Vinyl/Alkynyl Pyridine Enables Ultrafast Cysteine¿Selective Protein Modification and Charge Modulation
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Matos, MJ
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Navo, CD
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Hakala, T
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Ferhati, X
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Guerreiro, A
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Hartmann, D
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Bernardim, B
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Saar, KL
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Compañón, I
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Corzana, F
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Knowles, TPJ
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Jiménez¿Osés, G
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Bernardes, GJL
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Vol. 58
Páginas: 6640-6644
ISSN: 1433-7851
Editora: Wiley-Blackwell
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00V-3S1
Abstract (EN): Quaternized vinyl- and alkynyl-pyridine reagents were shown to react in an ultrafast and selective manner with several cysteine-tagged proteins at near-stoichiometric quantities. We have demonstrated that this method can effectively create a homogenous antibody-drug conjugate that features a precise drug-to-antibody ratio of 2, which was stable in human plasma and retained its specificity towards Her2+ cells. Finally, the developed warhead introduces a +1 charge to the overall net charge of the protein, which enabled us to show that the electrophoretic mobility of the protein may be tuned through the simple attachment of a quaternized vinyl pyridinium reagent at the cysteine residues. We anticipate the generalized use of quaternized vinyl- and alkynyl-pyridine reagents not only for bioconjugation, but also as warheads for covalent inhibition and as tools to profile cysteine reactivity.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 5
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