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Identifying relevant volunteered geographic information about adverse weather events in Trondheim using the CitizenSensing participatory system

Identifying relevant volunteered geographic information about adverse weather events in Trondheim using the CitizenSensing participatory system
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Tomasz Opach
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Jan Rød
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Carlo Navarra
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Tina Simone Neset
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Julie Wilk
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Sara Santos Cruz
Almar Joling
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Vol. 50
Páginas: 1806-1821
ISSN: 2399-8083
Editora: SAGE
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Pubmed / Medline
Clarivate Analytics
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00X-K52
Abstract (EN): The study set out to investigate how the experience of creating a map-based participatory system might help identify what is needed to support the production of relevant volunteered geographic information (VGI) about urban areas exposed to impacts of adverse weather events in Trondheim, Norway. This article details the systematic approach used to collect VGI, starting from the active engagement of end users during the design and development process of the CitizenSensing participatory system, through using the system in two VGI campaigns, up to the examination of the collected data. Although the VGI examination identified exposed areas in Trondheim, for instance, those that are likely to accumulate surface water from heavy rains or meltwater, the experience gained from the use of the CitizenSensing system helped to identify some critical points regarding the production of relevant VGI. Potential practical implications justify the need for VGI. For instance, in the case of Trondheim, relevant VGI may result in better planned municipal interventions regarding city infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, increased public awareness and access to local knowledge about areas exposed to inundation. The study also confirmed the need for adequate system components for VGI vetting and exploration in the post-collection stage to obtain a comprehensive insight into collected VGI.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 16
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