Conflicts in Multi-agent Systems 





  • Initial period: British Council and JNICT
  • 1996-97 period: JNICT (P) and OMFB (H)




Investigating the management of conflicts in multi-agent systems is an activity which involves detecting that there is a conflict, deciding how the conflict can be resolved and then executing the necessary repair actions. Of particular interest is the use of negotiation techniques to this problem and their implementation in a distributed truth maintenance system (TMS). Developing the distributed TMS has involved extending the standard asocial TMS to deal with beliefs that have originated from other agents in the system (in addition to those which the agent has developed itself). In such cases a number of crucial decisions must be made about how the information provided by other agents should be treated - should it be given the same credence as locally deduced beliefs?, should it only be used when there is supporting local evidence?, how should contradictions between the beliefs of different agents be dealt with?, and so on. It is in the discussion and resolution of these issues and their subsequent implementation that the main contribution of this work lies. In 1997, the main work was focussed on the maintenance of the distributed beliefs' consistency in the specific control scenario proposed by CERN. In 1998, the research carried out was concentrated on the development of methodologies for solving conflicting beliefs.



A sample of the theoretical and practical work produced includes:

© MBM 2001