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Fluid Mechanics

Code: L.EGI018     Acronym: MF

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Fluids and Energy

Instance: 2023/2024 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Fluids and Energy Division
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Industrial Engineering and Management

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L.EGI 173 Syllabus 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Szabolcs Varga

Teaching - Hours

Lectures: 2,00
Recitations: 2,00
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Lectures Totals 1 2,00
Szabolcs Varga 2,00
Recitations Totals 5 10,00
Karla Isabel Freitas Gonçalves Jacinto 4,00
Tomás Pinto de Freitas Teixeira da Rocha 4,00
Simão Onofre Vaz Lourenço Mateus 2,00
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2024-02-01.

Fields changed: Objectives, Resultados de aprendizagem e competências, Programa, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

Teaching language



To analyze, understand and characterize, based on the fundamental laws of mechanics and specific methodologies, the behavior of fluids, at rest and in motion, in order to solve basic problems of fluid mechanics in applied engineering.


Learning outcomes and competences

It is expected that at the end of the semester students:

  1. Be able to characterize fluids by their properties and solve simple problems with Newton's law of viscosity;
  2. Be able to apply the principles of fluid statics to manometry and to the characterization of pressure forces on immersed flat surfaces;
  3. Be familiar with the fundamental aspects of kinematics and dynamics in the context of fluid mechanics;
  4. Know how to apply the mass and energy conservation equations to viscous flows in ducts, calculate load losses, energy requirements, estimate of the available flow and dimension simple ducts;
  5. Understand and know how to use the characteristic curves of the pumps and fans, in order to select and analyze the operation of these equipment, know the geometrical similarity laws for pumps;
  6. Be able to characterize the forces resulting from the action of flows on bodies immersed in them.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Expected priory knowledge: mathematical tools applied in the classes, such as integration and derivation rules and non-linear equations solving tools. Basic knowledge of physics (e.g. Newton's laws) and thermodynamics (e.g. perfect gas law and First Law).


Fundamental concepts. Scope of Fluid Mechanics, velocity profiles, laminar and turbulent flow, the wall effect, dimensions and units. Viscosity and Newton's Law of viscosity and Couette flow. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid models. Flow rate concept.
Fluid statics. Pressure in fluid at rest. Invariability of pressure with direction. Pascal principle. Hydrostatics fundamental equation. Manometry and other types of pressure measuring devices. Forces on immersed flat surfaces. Buoyancy.
One dimensional ideal flow. Mass conservation (continuity) equation (differential and integral approach), Bernoulli's equation (assumptions, application along a streamline and modifications), flow rate measurement.
Viscous flow in ducts. Laminar and turbulent regimes. Development zone. Friction losses. Darcy's coefficient and Darcy-Weisback's equation. Parabolic profile and solution for the laminar case. Logarithmic profile and turbulent soution (Colebrooke equation and Moody diagram). Minor losses in pipes. Inverse problems: determination of flow rate and dimensioning of ducts. Multiple pipe systems.
Centrifugal pumps and fans. Characteristic curves and operating point. Cavitation and suction capacity of pumps. Association of pumps in series and in parallel. Basics of dimensional analysis and non-dimensional pump laws.
External flows. Basic concepts of boundary layers. Action of flows on non-fuselated bodies. Drag and lift forces and coefficients.

Mandatory literature

Frank M. White; Fluid mechanics. ISBN: 0-07-116848-6
Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi; Fundamentals of fluid mechanics. ISBN: 0-471-17024-0

Complementary Bibliography

Yunus A. Çengel, John M. Cimbala ; trad. Katia Aparecida Roque, Mario Moro Fecchio; Mecânica dos fluidos. ISBN: 978-85-86804-58-8
Luis Adriano Oliveira, António Gameiro Lopes; Mecânica dos fluidos. ISBN: 972-8480-13-X
Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert; Mechanics of fluids. ISBN: 0-13-571142-8

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures: Presentation of theoretical concepts and discussion. Solution of characteristic example problmes.
Theoretical-practical sessions: Solution of exercises and discussion of student’s questions.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Teste 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 110,00
Frequência das aulas 52,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Presence in, at least, 75% of the theoretical-practical sessions.

Calculation formula of final grade

Two theoretical tests on the Moodle platform, one in the middle and one at the end of the semestre. Closed book tests of 25 minutes duration each.

Written examination during the first examination call, covering the material of the practical classes. Limited consultation (supplied sheet with formulas), 120 minutes of duration. Access to this exam requires a minimum of 7/20, in average values, in the theoretical tests. Passing at written exam during the first call requires a minimum score of 7/20 on the practical  test.

The overall grade will be calculated weighting by 25% the average grade in the two during-semestre theoretical tests and by 75% the practical test.

The appeal/improvement examination includes, as a whole, both theoretical and practical components. There will be only one theoretical test, focusing on the whole program, and another practical, both similar to those of the normal period. The same weights (25% and 75%) as in the regular season will be used for the theoretical and practical components, respectively. Those students who obtained grades at least 7/20, for each theoretical test, can choose to take the practical component of this exame only, without the theoretical part. Those who decide to take both parts (theoretical and practical) in the appeal/improvement examination season, the last assessment grade will apply. To take only the theoretical part of the exame during the appeal/improvement season is not allowed.

The final grade could be adjusted by 1/20, if poposed extra curricular problems are solved by the student, under the conditions defined by the teacher (timing, hand in method, etc.). This type of assessment will applies only when all other criteria for approval are met.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not planned.

Internship work/project

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to FEUP regulations and with rules similar to the ones of improvement/final examination.

Classification improvement

According to FEUP regulations, simultaneously and with rules similar to the ones of improvement/final examination.

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