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Applied Hydraulics

Code: L.EA021     Acronym: HA

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Technological Sciences - Engineering

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Civil Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Environmental Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L.EA 46 Syllabus 3 - 6 58,5 162

Teaching - Hours

Lectures: 3,00
Recitations: 1,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Lectures Totals 1 3,00
Manuel Maria Pacheco Figueiredo 1,25
Francisco Manuel de Oliveira Piqueiro 1,75
Recitations Totals 2 3,00
Francisco Manuel de Oliveira Piqueiro 1,75
Manuel Maria Pacheco Figueiredo 1,25

Teaching language



Application of the fundamental concepts of Fluid Mechanics to the design of hydraulic systems used in Environmental Engineering studies. The fundamentals os public Water Suply Systems and of Hidro-Electric Power Plants

Learning outcomes and competences

To guarantee to the future Environmental Engineering Masters the qualifications needed for the design of those hydraulic systems used in Environmental Engineering studies. Guarantee the basic knowlage on water supply systems end on hidro-electric power systems

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Students should be familiar with the basic concepts given in Physics I and Fluid Mechanics I courses.


Fluid Properties. General Principles of Hydraulics. Bernoulli principle. Interior Flows. Uniform movement in ducts. Head Losses. basics on Water Supply systems. Hydraulic Machines - Pumps. Understanding Hydroelectric Power Plants . Aeration and circuits of compressed air. Multiphase flows. Turbomachinery (hydraulic machines).Open-channel flows. Uniform flow. Gradually and rapidly varied flows. Design of open-channels.

Mandatory literature

Metcalf and Eddy; Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, Mc Graw Hill. ISBN: 0-07-1122250-8
António Carvalho Quintela; Hidráulica. ISBN: 972-31-0775-9

Teaching methods and learning activities

Exposition of contents in theoretical-practical classes with visual documentation. Solving practical problems in theoretical-practical and practical classes.


Physical sciences > Physics > Classical mechanics > Fluid dynamics
Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering > Hydraulic engineering

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Teste 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 103,50
Frequência das aulas 58,50
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Achieving final classification requires compliance with attendance at the course unit, according to the MIEA assessment rules. It is considered that students meet the attendance requirements if, having been regularly enrolled, the number of absences of 25% for each of the classes types is not exceeded.

Calculation formula of final grade

The standing and final mark of the course is calculated based on a Final Exam (EF) and two tests of Distributed Evaluation (AD1 and AD2) of optional character.

EF: Exam (written) to perform in Normal and/or Appeal dates, with theoretical part, without consulting, and practical part, with the consulting forms provided on the wording of the exam, with the maximum total duration of 3 hours (classification 0 to 20, rounded to one decimal place).

AD1 and AD2: tests of Distributed Evaluation with a maximum duration of 45 minutes (classification from 0 to 20, rounded to one decimal place).

The FINAL MARK (CF) is the highest value, rounded to the unit, obtained by the calculation of the following expressions:

CF1 = 0.750 EF + 0.125 AD1 + 0.125 AD2

CF2 = 0.875 EF + 0.125 AD1

CF3 = 0.875 EF + 0.125 AD2

CF4 = 1.000 EF

that is,

CF = maximum { CF1 , CF2 , CF3 , CF4 } (rounded to unit).

Note 1: The Final Exam (FE) focuses on the whole matter.

Note 2: In due time will be indicated the matters on which each of the tests of Distributed Evaluation (AD1 and AD2) focus.

Note 3: ALL students enrolled in the course are classified according to this method, ie, are also covered by this method of calculating the final mark students with Special Statutes.

Note 4: For the calculation of the final mark (CF) are considered ONLY evidence (EF, AD1 and AD2) held in CURRENT school year (ie, NOT considered marks obtained in tests of Distributed Evaluation held in previous academic years).

Note 5: Are excluded from this method of calculating the final mark those students who submit to the Final Exam (EF) for the purpose of final mark improvement (see specific rule). Are also excluded from this method of calculating of the final mark students with Special Statute to undergo examination in Special Season (see specific rule).

Note 6: It is not allowed to improve the classification of tests of Distributed Evaluation (see specific rule).

Examinations or Special Assignments

There are no others besides those described in "Calculation formula of final grade".

Internship work/project

Not  applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with Special Statutes are classified according to the method set forth in "Final Classification", except when they undergo examination in Special Season.

Students with Special Statute to undergo examination in Special Season are evaluated in a single moment, which consist of a test with the characteristics of the Final Exam (EF).

Classification improvement

Students who have already obtained approval, can improved their final classification in one of the two Final Exam (EF) dates (normal or resource) immediately following that one in which they obtained approval.

Being improved classification performed exclusively by Final Exam (EF) (classification 0 to 20​​, rounded to unit) there is no way to improve the classification of tests of Distributed Evaluation.

The final grade in the course is the highest among that which was first obtained and the resulting improvement of classification made.

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