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Code: M.EM071     Acronym: D

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Mechanical Engineering

Instance: 2023/2024 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Industrial Design Section
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Mechanical Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
M.EM 14 Syllabus 2 - 30 6,5 810

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
José Duarte Ribeiro Marafona

Teaching - Hours

Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Tutorial Supervision Totals 15 7,50
José Joaquim da Mota Machado 2,00
José Duarte Ribeiro Marafona 0,50
Marco Paulo Lages Parente 0,50

Teaching language



An individual project or research work aimed at the integration and application of knowledge and skills developed throughout the course related to the topics of General Mechnics.

Learning outcomes and competences

The work will take place at FEUP, at an associated R&D Institution (e.g. INEGI) or any industrial environment, promoting the development of i) initiative; ii) decision-making and individual or group work capabilities; iii) the ability to analyse new situations; iv) skills to collect pertinent information/data; v) aptitudes to select appropriate methodologies to approach and solve the proposed problem; vi) the aptitude to summarize, extract conclusions and discuss results.

To develop in-depth knowledge on a given topic in the area of Materials and Manufacturing.

Computing Skills:

It depends on the topic of the dissertation work but may include the numerical simulation of technological processes and/or material mechanical behaviour.

Experimental Skills:

It depends on the topic of the dissertation work, but may include the experimental characterization of materials, or biologial tissues, and perform experimental setups.

Transversal Competencies:

Report writing

Public presentation and defence of the research

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

The student must have successfully completed all course units relevant to the dissertation work to be developed.


The content of the dissertation will depend on the chosen topic, which should be related to General Mechanics and may focus, among others, on one of the following topics:

  • metallic and non-metallic materials: production and mechanical behaviour 
  • additive manufacturing and prototyping;
  • development/optimization of production processes / new products  in different industrial sectors (e.g. automobile, health).

In general, dissertation projects should involve the following tasks:

  • state-of-the-art review;
  • calculations/predictions/simulations (analytical models, numerical methods, etc);
  • experimental activities (testing, component/prototype manufacturing, etc).
  • preparation of the synthesis report;
  • Final public presentation and defence.

Mandatory literature

Kathleen McMillan; How to write dissertations and project reports. ISBN: 978-0-273-74383-5
M.EM; Modelo de Dissertação

Complementary Bibliography

Dean C. Millar; Ready for takeoff. ISBN: 978-0-13-608127-2
Vários; Bibliografia da especialidade do tema de trabalho proposto, incluindo artigos técnico-científicos acessíveis por exemplo via https://www.b-on.pt/.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Teaching methodologies:

  • Weekly load - 0.5h OT per student
  • Realization of dissertation work: 670h
  • Writing and presentation/public defence of the work: 140 h
During the semester, the student will clarify doubts on different partial aspects of the thesis with the supervisor(s).

Type of Evaluation:

Assessment only with the final exam: presentation of the dissertation (20 minutes) followed by the discussion of the dissertation presented by the student (40 minutes, max.)

The different stages of the work in correspondence with the defined objectives, either theoretical and/or experimental, are developed in close connection with the respective supervisor. The relationship between the student and their supervisor(s), in addition to the formal times established, may involve frequent informal interactions, including visits or other actions, possibly outside the host institution. Each student is not only supported by their supervisor(s), but also by any other academic staff (teacher or technician).

The fact that students have to carry out the dissertation with only periodic meetings of work with the supervisor(s) during the semester, certainly promotes the development of initiative, decision-making and individual work capacities.

The nature of the work itself, as well as the periodic contact with the supervisors, allows the development of the capacity to analyse new situations and to collect pertinent information among other skills.

The fact that the evaluation focuses not only on the technical-scientific quality of the work but also on the quality of the dissertation document and on the quality of the presentation and the public discussion, promotes the ability to synthesize, draw conclusions and results discuss capabilities.


Outros ajustados às necessidades do trabalho

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 140,00
Estudo autónomo 200,00
Trabalho de investigação 470,00
Total: 810,00

Eligibility for exams

The frequency (admission to final exam) assumes the following:

  • The presence in the periodic work meetings scheduled by the supervisor;
  • Presence in the workplace indicated by the supervisor;
  • The project must take place in full dedication (exclusivity).

Calculation formula of final grade

The final classification will be calculated according to the following criteria and sub-criteria:

Technical-scientific quality of work: 50%

  • Difficulty and depth of work performed;
  • Relevance and originality of contributions;
  • Degree of the fulfilment of objectives and level of autonomy and pro-activity demonstrated during the performance of the work.

Quality of the dissertation document: 35%

  • Form (writing, structure, graphics, formatting)
  • Core content (problem structuring, critical analysis of the state of the art, methodology, contributions, critical analysis of the results obtained)
  • Quality of abstract, introduction, conclusions, and bibliographic references.

Quality of presentation and public discussion: 15%

  • Quality of oral presentation (clarity, objectivity, attitude)
  • Quality of presentation supports
  • Quality of the discussion (security, reasoning ability)

Examinations or Special Assignments

May include among others:

• Progress reports
• Progress presentations
• Final report
• Public presentation

Internship work/project

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Exceptionally, the special examination season for course conclusion can be used for public defence of the thesis.

Classification improvement

Not applicable
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