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Project 1

Code: EAPE05     Acronym: PROJ1

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Engineering and related techniques

Instance: 2023/2024 - 4T (edição n.º 1)

Active? Yes
Course/CS Responsible: Advanced Studies in Project in Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EAPE 8 Syllabus 1 - 15 23 405

Teaching - Hours

Traineeship: 0,00

Teaching language

Portuguese and english


Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.

The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Learning outcomes and competences

Profile 1:
Deepening of skills in Engineering through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: metals, polymers, ceramics, composites and biomaterials, production and processing of metals, foundry, heat treatments, corrosion and application of coatings, component design, systems inspection, testing and certification, environmental management and waste treatment, operations management and continuous improvement.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: LAETA and INEB, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 2:
Deepening of skills in Computer Engineering, Information Sciences and Digital Media, through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: architectures and computing systems, computer graphics and interactive digital media, programming sciences and technologies, software engineering , information systems, Intelligent systems, or in related domains.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: INESC-TEC, LIACC, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 3:
Deepening skills in Mechanical Engineering through a project-based learning methodology in the fields of: Automation, Industrial Design, Fluids and Energy, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Mathematics and Numerical Methods in Engineering, Applied Mechanics and related fields.

Here we register the intervention of the Research Units of FCT: LAETA, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning.

Profile 4:
Deepening of skills in Industrial Engineering and Management through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: Quantitative Methods Applied to Management; Operations Management; Information Management; Business management; Technology and inovation; Engineering and Service Management

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: INESC-TEC, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 5:
Deepening of skills in Automation, Energy Systems, Telecommunications, Electronics, and Computers, through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: Automation and Robotics; Energy Conversion; Fundamentals of Electrotechnics; Fundamentals of Communications; Electrical Installations; Math; Electricity Markets and Regulation; Information Processing and Computational Learning; Signal Processing; Communications Networks and Services; Networks and Power Systems; Digital Systems and Computer Architecture; Systems and Control
Embedded systems; Technology and Electronic Circuits; Communications Technologies; Technologies and Multimedia Systems; Technologies for Biomedical Applications, or in related domains.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: INESC-TEC, SYSTEC and IT, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 6:

The main methodology is project-based learning. The supervisor is responsible for establishing an initial work plan in the context of a research and innovation project, as part of a team, in one of the following areas: Exploration and Exploration of Georesources, Processing and Recycling of Georesources, Geoenvironment, Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

Here we note the intervention of the FCT Research Units: CERENA and LAETA, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning.

Profile 7:
Deepening of skills in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering through a project-based learning methodology in the fields of Chemistry, Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry and Materials, Reaction Engineering and Separation Processes, Mathematics and Numerical Methods in Engineering, Systems and Product Engineering, Project and Management, Environment, Energy, Bioengineering, or in related fields.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: CEFT, LEPABE and LSRE-LCM, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 8:
Deepening skills in CIVIL Engineering through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: Civil Construction; Structures; Geotechnics; Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment; Mathematics and Numerical Methods in Engineering; Construction Materials; Spatial Planning and Environment; Routes of Communication and Transport, or in related domains.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units: CONSTRUCT, CITTA and CIIMAR, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning, is noted here.

Profile 9:
Deepening of skills in Engineering Physics through a project-based learning methodology, in the fields of: Materials Physics, Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Didactics of Physics.

The intervention of the FCT Research Units is noted here: CEFT – Center for the Study of Transport Phenomena, CENTRA – Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, CF-UM-UP – Physics Center of the Universities of Minho and Porto, IPFN – Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, LAETA – Associated Laboratory of Energy, Transport and Aeronautics and CFisUC – Physics Center of the University of Coimbra, which will be responsible for the development/hosting of project-based learning.

Across the profiles mentioned above, it is intended to reinforce transversal skills at the level of advanced studies, as well as the acquisition of skills to work in multidisciplinary teams and project management.

Working method



Development of activities in research and innovation projects according to an individual work plan.

Mandatory literature

Supervisor; Diversos (To be indicated by each student's supervisor, according to the objectives and specific work plan.)

Teaching methods and learning activities

The main methodology is project-based learning. The supervisor is responsible for establishing an initial work plan, divided into four sub-projects, in the context of a research and innovation project, integrated into a team. The student develops the activities foreseen in the work plan and at the end of each module, prepares a report of the work carried out in the corresponding Project curricular unit, which is evaluated by the advisor and approved by the course director.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 90,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 8,00
Trabalho de investigação 397,00
Total: 405,00

Eligibility for exams

Students who do not deliver the final report will fail for lack of attendance.

Calculation formula of final grade

Evaluation of a final report on the activity carried out, bearing in mind the individual work plan.
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