Teaching Non-Ideal Reactors with CFD Tools

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The following pictures illustrate the concentration evolution of a tracer inside the reactor. Initially, the reactor is full of water (blue), and a step profile in the concentration of a tracer (red) is imposed at the inlet boundary. The reduced time is defined as q = t/t, where t  represents the space-time.

The streamlines are shown in black.


L/H=1     Re=10

                 q = 0.1                                                q = 0.22


                      q = 1                                                      q = 5


These pictures clearly illustrate that approximately at q = 0.22 one starts to ‘see’ tracer at the reservoir outlet. In addition, even for a very long time of operation (about 5 times the residence time), the reservoir is not completely full of tracer, due to the large stagnant zone.

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Now, we illustrate the steady-state concentration field of a reagent (orange) which undergoes a 1st-order irreversible reaction, originating a product species (green). The influence of the Damkholer number, Da = kτ, is illustrated.


L/H=1     Re=10

Concentration of reagent

                     Da = 0.5                                               Da = 1


                     Da = 2                                                  Da = 5




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