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Advanced Studies in Project in Engineering

General information

Official Code: E191
Acronym: EAPE


  • Advanced Studies in Project in Engineering (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Project 1

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 2

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 3

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 4

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 1

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 2

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 3

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 4

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 1

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 2

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 3

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 4

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 1

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 2

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 3

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.

Project 4

Integration into teams led by experienced researchers, around research and innovation problems, typically financed in a competitive context and often in collaboration with other national and international research or business entities, leads to the development of more sophisticated skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the context of open problems in the specific area and greater maturity as a researcher and as a professional.
The opportunity to work in research laboratories and use the respective equipment is the best way to absorb the respective know-how.
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