
The research activity of the professors in DEEC is developed in R&D units recognized by the Portuguese Resarch Council (FCT), being three of them Associate Laboratories with the Ministry of Science and Technology (INESC-Porto, INEB and IT). In June 2009, researchers from CISTER (Research Centre in Real-Time Computing Systems) started cooperation with PDEEC.

INESC Porto is a co-signer of the agreements of the joint programmes, CMU/FEUP, MIT/FEUP and UTA/FEUP. FEUP and the US universities (CMU, MIT,UTA) are the "institutions granting the diploma".

FEUP and other institutes associated with FEUP are also eligible as  host institutions. They are INEB - Institute of Biomedical Engineering and ISR Porto - Institute of Systems and Robotics.

  Last Update: 18/09/07